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    Posts posted by DirectNULL

    1. Totally the wrong section.

      Look in the future in wich categorie your post need.


      But, welcome on GHB. I love soccer as well.

      If you got any questions feel free to send a PM.

      I will reply that in any hours.


      Greetz Seriious

    2. Hi all,


      I will release my own written easy contact form specially for you guys.

      Just edit your things @ the config.php included in the .zip file.











              $email = trim($_POST['email']);
              $name = trim($_POST['name']);
              $comments = trim($_POST['comments']);
              if ($email=="" || $comments=="" || $name=="")
                  echo '
                      <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
                          Blank submission or you didnt fill in some fields. Go back.
              else {
                  if(!eregi('^([._a-z0-9-]+[._a-z0-9-]*)@(([a-z0-9-]+\.)*([a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,3})?)$', $email)) {
                      echo '
                          <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
                              That does not look like a valid email address, please re-enter.
                  include ('config.php');
                  mail("$youremail", "$subject", $message, $headers);
                  echo '
                      <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
                          Thank you '.$name.' for your e-mail. We will reply in 24 to 48 hours.

      Last but not least the download

      It will be found right here:


    3. Hello All,


      I think it will be a great idea to structuring the categories.

      Moving all old posts to a categorie named: Old posts (All categories before 2014).


      It will structure the forum only more and it helps to show the newer topics to show up.


      Let me think what ya all thinking about this.

      (Sorry for my crappy english im tired as hell)



    4. Hello guys,

      Today i will release my PHP site checker.
      This checkt the following things:
      - HTTP
      - FTP
      - SMTP
      - POP3

      Some screenshots


      A code snippet

      list($MSec, $Sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
            $TimeBegin = (double) $MSec + (double) $Sec;
            $Socket = @fsockopen($host, $port, $error_number, $error, $timeout);
      list($MSec, $Sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
            $TimeEnd = (double) $MSec + (double) $Sec;
            $Time = number_format($TimeEnd - $TimeBegin, 3);

       if (is_resource($Socket))
                   if ($Request != "") { fputs($Socket, $Request); }
                   if (!feof($Socket)) { $Response = fgets($Socket, 4096); }
                   $Result = "Failed";
                   $Error  = $Response;
                   foreach($OkResults as $exp_result) {
                      if (preg_match("/$exp_result/",$Response)) {
                         $Error = "";
                         $Result = "Ok";
                $Result = "Failed";
                $Error = ((!$error) ? "Time out" : $error);

      And last but not least the downloadlink!


      Download will be soon at the:
      Download categorie @ GHB

      • Upvote 1

      There're already Tutorial Forums in the Programming Section as I just saw:

      For C++ only: http://forum.ghbsys.net/index.php?/forum/190-tutorials-and-source/

      For D3D and OGL: http://forum.ghbsys.net/index.php?/forum/191-tutorials-and-source/

      Just a Tutorial Forum: http://forum.ghbsys.net/index.php?/forum/110-tutorials/


      But I'll make an own "Release" Forum icon_smile.gif





      Is there a possibility to split this forum:

      Web and Scripting

      And create sub forums in that section called:

      - PHP

      - HTML/CSS

      - Javascript



    6. Hello everybody,


      Now a days much people are still using MySQL.
      In these days you need to protect your online system so much as it can.


      It's adviced to use MySQLi or PDO instead of MySQL.

      Since PHP 5 it's not possible anymore to use MySQL but people got still older servers or are programming at localhost (using Xampp/lamp/IIS).


      What i will explain in this tutorial

      I will explain the difference and why it's safer to use MySQLi or PDO (I Prefer PDO).


      PDO explaration and code examples

      This is very usefull when you are programming OOP. For security reaons when you are talking about a huge system what you are programming (Need to think when you got money balance and payments) its almost required to use PDO becuase with PDO you can create unprepared statements (Statements or query's that are able to catch every call and decline everything that is not allowed).


      A example connection with PDO

      $host = "localhost";
      $username = "root";
      $password = "welcome";
      $database = "php";
      $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database', $username, $password);

      This is a connection without handling any error's. If wou want to handle some error's you could use the following code:
      try {
          $host = "localhost";
          $username = "root";
          $password = "welcome";
          $database = "php";
          $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database', $username, $password);
          foreach($conn->query('SELECT * from TABLE') as $row) {
          $conn= null;
      } catch (PDOException $e) {
          echo "There is a error called: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";

      The method that's used here above called try and catch is very usefull. With a try and catch you can check if its possible to reach. If not the code would not be published or used. What we are saying right here is if the query gets a result then we will show everything about that table. If not PDO will return some error's becuase it can't reach the database or table. PDO calls that a Exception.


      I used (PDOException $e) the variabel $e is not a verified variabel for PDOException. You can use your own variables right there.



      MySQLi explaration and code examples

      With MySQLi you can replace MySQL for the easy things when you dont want to protect it 100%.
      You will never be safe while using MySQLi or you must do so much checks over the variables to and from the database.


      Down here a example of a connection to the database with error handling in MySQLi

      $host = "localhost";
      $username = "root";
      $password = "welcome";
      $database = "php";
      $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);
      if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
           printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

      I hope you all liked this tutorial.
      This is my first one @ GHB so tips are welcome.

      Do you see a miss-spell or a wrong explanation please send me a private message I will appreciate it.


      Goodluck programmers! smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_na.gif


      Greetz SeriiousGamerr


      Im just begining to program some stuff. i have 2 years with programing but most of all facebook hacks.

      i havent tried working in something out of facebook.

      and in web designing i have all the knowledge that school thought me.


      Knowledge that school you thought would be old crappy shit from the year 2000.

      That's the dissapointment of every programming education that are handling to old code.


      Now a days the teachers need to learn the children the latest and up to date ways to program and not the old shizzle.

      That's why I am started in the Netherlands to give programming lessons to younger children and want to learn how it really works and learn the newest ways to program.

    8. If more programmers like you wanna get active in here, also help newbes and stuff, this would be great icon_smile.gif


      I wanna learn real programming also. Some basic things I know already in HTML (which isnt special now), C++, php and so on.

      Soon I'll invest some more money for education via home.

      Programming is awesome, but not easy ^^ But I'll affort all the time I got on weekends to learn it.




      At the moment in real live im teaching students from lower school (Kids at age of 11/12) to learn make their own website and inspiring them about programming.

      Can you make a sub-forum for me? That would be great!

      - 1 for releases

      - 1 for tutorials


      I prefer a specific PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript section.

      All seperated from each other will help by organize the forum structure.

    9. Its a good Idea icon_smile.gif Maybe you can do the first Steps how to code hacks? icon_smile.gif


      Haha thankyou!


      I can't code hacks. Im only good in programming normal programs / systems.

      But i will post some tutorials and post some releases.


      Can a moderator/admin make a new sub-forum for releases @ webprogramming?



    10. Hello everyone,


      Im searching some one that wants to work on a nice project with me together.

      I will explain it shortly:

      - Create own webshop software

      - Integrated in the webshop a fully working content mangement system

      - Payment gateway for every payment method

      - Fully working administration



      - 5 years of expierence with PHP programming

      - A minimum age of 20

      - Knowledge of OOP, PDO, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Photoshop, Illustrator


      If you complain of the requirements feel free to contact me.


      Greetz, SeriiousGamerr

    11. Hello all,


      I saw the forum for programming and saw that it is very inactive.

      Im programmer by my self i know the languages:
      - PHP

      - Python
      - VB.net
      - C#

      I will like it if that section would be active on GHBsys. And I think that more people will like it if there is a active programmer section.
      With tutorials and releases.


      Let me know what you all are thinking about this.

      Do you got any questions, feel free to contact me with a private message.


      Greetz, SeriiousGamerr

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