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    Posts posted by a1fahrrad

    1. As example I'm using Stamina from WarRock

      #define Playerpointer 0xAddy
      #define StaminaOff 0xOffset
      int Stamina;
      float bsp1; 
      float bsp2;
      DWORD Stamina2 = *(DWORD*)(Playerpointer + StaminaOff );
      if(Stamina == 1)
      Stamina2 = bsp1; 
      if(bsp1>= 35 ) 
      *(float*)(Stamina 2) = (float)35;


      This should work, the code isn't 100 % correct -> written from my memory.

    2. @ledzepfan1: This isn't the Playerpointer lol..., Serverpointer


      I think this will work :]

      #define ADR_Playerpointer 0x1522078
      #define OFF_NFD 0x280
      void NFD( )
      DWORD dwPlayerpointer = *(DWORD*)ADR_Playerpointer;
      if(dwPlayerpointer != 0)
      *(float*)(dwPlayerpointer+ OFS_NFD) = -20000; 

    3. You need 2 Funktions:


      BOOL WritePrivateProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpAppName, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, int nInteger, LPCTSTR lpFileName)
      TCHAR lpString[ 1024 ];
      wsprintf( lpString, "%d", nInteger );
      return WritePrivateProfileString( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName );


      UINT WINAPI GetPrivateProfileInt(
       __in  LPCTSTR lpAppName,
       __in  LPCTSTR lpKeyName,
       __in  INT nDefault,
       __in  LPCTSTR lpFileName


      How to Use:


      void Load()
      	Chams = GetPrivateProfileIntA("D3D", "Chams", Chams, "Bsp.txt");
      void Save()
       WritePrivateProfileInt("D3D", "Chams", Chams, Bsp.txt"));



      To the one who made the WritePrivatProfileInt Funktion

      MSDN xD

      a1fahrrad (4 writing the Tutorial)

    4. The DrawBox Funktion

      void DrawBox( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice , int x, int y, int w, int h, DWORD Color )
      D3DRECT rec;
      rec.x1 = x;
      rec.x2 = x + w;
      rec.y1 = y;
      rec.y2 = y + h;
      pDevice->Clear( 1, &rec, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, Color, 0, 0 );


      The Rectangle Funktion:

      void DrawRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, int s, DWORD Color, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice)
      DrawBox(pDevice, x, y, w, s, Color );
      DrawBox(pDevice, x, y, s, h, Color );
      DrawBox(pDevice, (x+w), y, s, h, Color );
      DrawBox(pDevice, x, (y+h), w+s, s, Color );


      How To use:

      DrawRectangle(X, Y, width, high, size, Color, Device );



      To the one who made the FillRGB Funktion.

      a1fahrrad (Rectangle Funktion)


    5. First you need a Draw Funktion, i'm using Hans211 DrawBox Funktion xD

      void DrawBox(IDirect3DDevice8 *pDevice, int x, int y, int w, int h, D3DCOLOR col)
      struct QuadVertex {
      	float x,y,z,rhw;
      	DWORD dwColor;
      IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 *pVertexBuffer = NULL;
      QuadVertex qV[4];
      BYTE *pVertexData = NULL;
      if (pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer((4*sizeof(QuadVertex)),(D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY|D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC),(D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE),D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,&pVertexBuffer)<0) return;
      pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE , FALSE);
      pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
      pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
      pVertexBuffer->Lock(0,0,&pVertexData,D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK | D3DLOCK_DISCARD);
      	qV[0].dwColor = qV[1].dwColor = qV[2].dwColor = qV[3].dwColor = col;
      	qV[0].z   = qV[1].z   = qV[2].z   = qV[3].z   = 0.0f;
      	qV[0].rhw = qV[1].rhw = qV[2].rhw = qV[3].rhw = 0.0f;
      	qV[0].x = (float)x;
      	qV[0].y = (float)(y + h);
      	qV[1].x = (float)x;
      	qV[1].y = (float)y;
      	qV[2].x = (float)(x + w);
      	qV[2].y = (float)(y + h);
      	qV[3].x = (float)(x + w);
      	qV[3].y = (float)y;
      	pVertexData = NULL;
      	pDevice->SetStreamSource(0,pVertexBuffer, sizeof(QuadVertex));
      	pDevice->SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE );
      	pDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2 );
      if	(pVertexBuffer) {
      pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, true);



      Here is the Mouse Funktion:

      void DrawCursor1(int x, int y, DWORD Color1, DWORD Color2, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice )
      //Credits to a1fahrrad
      DrawBox(pDevice,	x,	y,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,	x,	y,   1, 12, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1, y+11,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+2, y+10,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+3,  y+9,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+4, y+10,   1,  2, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+5, y+12,   1,  2, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+6, y+14,   2,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+7, y+10,   1,  2, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+6, y+9 ,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+8, y+12,   1,  2, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,	y,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+2,  y+1,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+3,  y+2,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+4,  y+3,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+5,  y+4,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+6,  y+5,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+7,  y+6,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+8,  y+7,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+8,  y+8,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+7,  y+8,   1,  1, Color1 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+6,  y+8,   1,  1, Color1 ); 
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+1,   1,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+2,   2,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+3,   3,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+4,   4,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+5,   5,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+6,   6,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+7,   7,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+8,   5,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1,  y+9,   2,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+1, y+10,   1,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+4,  y+9,   2,  1, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+5, y+10,   2,  2, Color2 );
      DrawBox(pDevice,  x+6, y+12,   2,  2, Color2 );




      Use GetCursorPos( ); to get the Position of the Cursor!




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