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    Hilfe in D3D Menü -.-

    50 Cent

    Recommended Posts

    Hi GhBSys,


    also ich habe mir das D3D Menü von Hans211 geholt. Bei der Test Injection läuft es ja auch, doch wenn ich es in WarRock injecte kann ich das Menü nicht öffnen. -.-

    Und ich kann die Hacks nicht einbauen, da kommen dann immer irgendwelche Errors -.-



    Fehler Code beim Hack einbauen:

    1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: Abc D3D Build 7000, Konfiguration: Debug Win32 ------
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\d3dfont9.cpp(50) : warning C4996: '_tcsncpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _tcsncpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
    1>        C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\tchar.h(1518): Siehe Deklaration von '_tcsncpy'
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(135) : warning C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using sprintf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
    1>        C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\stdio.h(366): Siehe Deklaration von 'sprintf'
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(180) : error C2228: Links von ".SetFloat" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.
    1>        Typ ist 'int'
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(184) : error C2228: Links von ".SetFloat" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.
    1>        Typ ist 'int'
    1>Code wird generiert...
    1>Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\Users\Admins\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Abc D3D Build 7000\Abc D3D Build 7000\Debug\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
    1>Abc D3D Build 7000 - 2 Fehler, 2 Warnung(en)
    ========== Erstellen: 0 erfolgreich, Fehler bei 1, 0 aktuell, 0 übersprungen ==========



    Meine hackbase.cpp von Hans211:

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Project : HackBase v1.0
    // Author  : Hans211
    // Date    : 11 April 2009
    // A basic D3D framework:
    // - D3D menu with folders
    // - Optimized d3dfont, right aligned text
    // - Works for d3d8 or d3d9  (define it in main.h)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #include "d3dbase.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    char	sFPS[20]="xxx Fps";
    int     CH_back       = 2;		// 40%
    // group states
    int		CH_cheats	  = 1;
    int		CH_weap	      = 1;
    int		CH_server      = 1;
    int		CH_pxhacks      = 1;
    int		CH_extras      = 1;
    // item  states
    int		CH_stamina	  = 1;		// stealth as default
    int		CH_fastammo   = 1;
    int		CH_fasthealth = 0;
    int		CH_fastrepair = 0;
    int		CH_fastflag   = 1;
    int		CH_nospread   = 1;
    int		CH_norecoil   = 1;
    int		CH_unlammo	  = 1;
    int		CH_zerodelay	  = 0;
    int		CH_slot	  = 0;
    int		CH_nfd	  = 0;
    int		CH_nospawn	  = 0;
    int		CH_nofog	  = 0;
    int		CH_dig	  = 0;
    int		CH_nowater	  = 0;
    int		CH_nobounds	  = 0;
    int		CH_speed	  = 0;
    int		CH_invisible	  = 0;
    int		CH_boneshoot	  = 0;
    int		CH_scope	  = 0;
    int		CH_antikick  = 0;
    int		CH_smaster	  = 0;
    int		CH_bandage	  = 0;
    int		CH_extraammo	  = 0;
    int		CH_sp	  = 0;
    int		CH_crosshair	  = 0;
    int		CH_mineview	  = 0;
    int		CH_antiflash	  = 0;
    int		CH_plant	  = 0;
    int		CH_opk	  = 0;
    int		CH_chams	  = 0;
    int		CH_jump	  = 0;
    int		CH_wallhack	  = 0;
    // none standard options
    char	*opt_Grp[]     = { "+","-" };
    char	*opt_OffOn[]   = { "Off","On" };
    char	*opt_Stamina[] = { "Off","Stealth","Full" };
    char	*opt_Back[]    = { "Off","20%","40%","60%","80%","Solid" };
    D3DMenu	*pMenu=NULL;
    // Change this to make your own menu	
    void RebuildMenu(void)
     pMenu->AddItem("Background"        , &CH_back      , opt_Back, 6);
     pMenu->AddText("Framerate", sFPS);
     pMenu->AddGroup("[Player hacks]" , &CH_cheats, opt_Grp);
     if (CH_cheats) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Wallhack"     , &CH_wallhack  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Chams"     , &CH_chams  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Superjump"     , &CH_jump  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("NFD"     , &CH_nfd  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Stamina"       , &CH_stamina   , opt_Stamina, 3);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast ammo"     , &CH_fastammo  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast health"   , &CH_fasthealth, opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast repair"   , &CH_fastrepair, opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast flag"     , &CH_fastflag  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Spawn"     , &CH_nospawn  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Water"     , &CH_nowater  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Fog"     , &CH_nofog  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Bounds"     , &CH_nobounds  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Speed"     , &CH_speed  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Dig"     , &CH_dig  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Invisible"     , &CH_invisible  , opt_OffOn);
     pMenu->AddGroup("[Weapon hacks]", &CH_weap  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("No spread"	 , &CH_nospread  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No recoil"	 , &CH_norecoil  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Unlimited ammo", &CH_unlammo   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("0 Delay", &CH_zerodelay   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Boneshoot", &CH_boneshoot   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("5 Slot", &CH_slot   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Scope", &CH_scope   , opt_OffOn);
       pMenu->AddGroup("[server hacks]", &CH_server  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("AntiKick"	 , &CH_antikick  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("SuperMaster", &CH_smaster   , opt_OffOn);
        pMenu->AddGroup("[PX hacks]", &CH_pxhacks  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Bandage"	 , &CH_bandage  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("ExtraAmmo", &CH_extraammo   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("SP up", &CH_sp   , opt_OffOn);
          pMenu->AddGroup("[Extras]", &CH_extras  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Crosshair"	 , &CH_crosshair  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("MineView", &CH_mineview   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("AntiFlash", &CH_antiflash   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("QuickPlant", &CH_plant   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("OPK", &CH_opk   , opt_OffOn);
    // --- simple FPS vars and function
    int	  Fpaysafecardounter = 0;
    float FPSfLastTickCount = 0.0f;
    float FPSfCurrentTickCount;
    void Fpaysafecardheck(char *str, char *format)
    FPSfCurrentTickCount = clock() * 0.001f;
    if((FPSfCurrentTickCount - FPSfLastTickCount) > 1.0f) {
        FPSfLastTickCount = FPSfCurrentTickCount;
        Fpaysafecardounter = 0;
    // Draw a background
    void DrawGui(pD3DdeviceX pDevice, DWORD col)
    if (CH_back==5)					// solid
    	col|=CH_back*0x30000000;	// transparency
    DrawBox(pDevice,pMenu->x-3,pMenu->y-2,pMenu->totwidth+6,pMenu->totheight+4  ,col);
    // called with every EndScene
    void DoMenu(pD3DdeviceX pDevice)
    if (pMenu==0) {												// first time , create the menu
        pMenu = new D3DMenu("== Abc D3D ==",100,160);	// title, maxitems,width
    	pMenu->visible=1;										// make it visible
    	pMenu->col_title=0xffffffff;							// change title color to white
    } else {
    	Fpaysafecardheck(sFPS,"%d Fps");
    	if (pMenu->noitems==0) RebuildMenu();
    	if (pMenu->visible && CH_back) DrawGui(pDevice,0x000000);  // black background
    // Seperate thread for making hacks
    DWORD WINAPI HACKthread( LPVOID param )
       // --- hack loop
    while (1) {
    #define PlayerPointer 0x00C93348 //PlayerPointer		
    if (CH_stamina=0)
    if (CH_stamina=1)
    PlayerPointer.SetFloat(0x000,   50); //Stealth Stamina
    if (CH_stamina=2)
    PlayerPointer.SetFloat(0x000,   100); //Full Stamina
    	// ..if (CH_stamina)   ....
    	// ..
    	// ..
    	// ..
    return 0;



    Brauch pls Hilfe.



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    Hi GhBSys,


    also ich habe mir das D3D Menü von Hans211 geholt. Bei der Test Injection läuft es ja auch, doch wenn ich es in WarRock injecte kann ich das Menü nicht öffnen. -.-

    Und ich kann die Hacks nicht einbauen, da kommen dann immer irgendwelche Errors -.-



    Fehler Code beim Hack einbauen:

    1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: Abc D3D Build 7000, Konfiguration: Debug Win32 ------
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\d3dfont9.cpp(50) : warning C4996: '_tcsncpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _tcsncpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
    1>        C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\tchar.h(1518): Siehe Deklaration von '_tcsncpy'
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>main.h : Building for D3D9
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(135) : warning C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using sprintf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
    1>        C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\stdio.h(366): Siehe Deklaration von 'sprintf'
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(180) : error C2228: Links von ".SetFloat" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.
    1>        Typ ist 'int'
    1>c:\users\admins\desktop\ja\hackbase.cpp(184) : error C2228: Links von ".SetFloat" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.
    1>        Typ ist 'int'
    1>Code wird generiert...
    1>Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\Users\Admins\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Abc D3D Build 7000\Abc D3D Build 7000\Debug\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
    1>Abc D3D Build 7000 - 2 Fehler, 2 Warnung(en)
    ========== Erstellen: 0 erfolgreich, Fehler bei 1, 0 aktuell, 0 übersprungen ==========



    Meine hackbase.cpp von Hans211:

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Project : HackBase v1.0
    // Author  : Hans211
    // Date    : 11 April 2009
    // A basic D3D framework:
    // - D3D menu with folders
    // - Optimized d3dfont, right aligned text
    // - Works for d3d8 or d3d9  (define it in main.h)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #include "d3dbase.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    char	sFPS[20]="xxx Fps";
    int     CH_back       = 2;		// 40%
    // group states
    int		CH_cheats	  = 1;
    int		CH_weap	      = 1;
    int		CH_server      = 1;
    int		CH_pxhacks      = 1;
    int		CH_extras      = 1;
    // item  states
    int		CH_stamina	  = 1;		// stealth as default
    int		CH_fastammo   = 1;
    int		CH_fasthealth = 0;
    int		CH_fastrepair = 0;
    int		CH_fastflag   = 1;
    int		CH_nospread   = 1;
    int		CH_norecoil   = 1;
    int		CH_unlammo	  = 1;
    int		CH_zerodelay	  = 0;
    int		CH_slot	  = 0;
    int		CH_nfd	  = 0;
    int		CH_nospawn	  = 0;
    int		CH_nofog	  = 0;
    int		CH_dig	  = 0;
    int		CH_nowater	  = 0;
    int		CH_nobounds	  = 0;
    int		CH_speed	  = 0;
    int		CH_invisible	  = 0;
    int		CH_boneshoot	  = 0;
    int		CH_scope	  = 0;
    int		CH_antikick  = 0;
    int		CH_smaster	  = 0;
    int		CH_bandage	  = 0;
    int		CH_extraammo	  = 0;
    int		CH_sp	  = 0;
    int		CH_crosshair	  = 0;
    int		CH_mineview	  = 0;
    int		CH_antiflash	  = 0;
    int		CH_plant	  = 0;
    int		CH_opk	  = 0;
    int		CH_chams	  = 0;
    int		CH_jump	  = 0;
    int		CH_wallhack	  = 0;
    // none standard options
    char	*opt_Grp[]     = { "+","-" };
    char	*opt_OffOn[]   = { "Off","On" };
    char	*opt_Stamina[] = { "Off","Stealth","Full" };
    char	*opt_Back[]    = { "Off","20%","40%","60%","80%","Solid" };
    D3DMenu	*pMenu=NULL;
    // Change this to make your own menu	
    void RebuildMenu(void)
     pMenu->AddItem("Background"        , &CH_back      , opt_Back, 6);
     pMenu->AddText("Framerate", sFPS);
     pMenu->AddGroup("[Player hacks]" , &CH_cheats, opt_Grp);
     if (CH_cheats) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Wallhack"     , &CH_wallhack  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Chams"     , &CH_chams  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Superjump"     , &CH_jump  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("NFD"     , &CH_nfd  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Stamina"       , &CH_stamina   , opt_Stamina, 3);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast ammo"     , &CH_fastammo  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast health"   , &CH_fasthealth, opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast repair"   , &CH_fastrepair, opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Fast flag"     , &CH_fastflag  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Spawn"     , &CH_nospawn  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Water"     , &CH_nowater  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Fog"     , &CH_nofog  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No Bounds"     , &CH_nobounds  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Speed"     , &CH_speed  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Dig"     , &CH_dig  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Invisible"     , &CH_invisible  , opt_OffOn);
     pMenu->AddGroup("[Weapon hacks]", &CH_weap  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("No spread"	 , &CH_nospread  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("No recoil"	 , &CH_norecoil  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Unlimited ammo", &CH_unlammo   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("0 Delay", &CH_zerodelay   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Boneshoot", &CH_boneshoot   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("5 Slot", &CH_slot   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("Scope", &CH_scope   , opt_OffOn);
       pMenu->AddGroup("[server hacks]", &CH_server  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("AntiKick"	 , &CH_antikick  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("SuperMaster", &CH_smaster   , opt_OffOn);
        pMenu->AddGroup("[PX hacks]", &CH_pxhacks  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Bandage"	 , &CH_bandage  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("ExtraAmmo", &CH_extraammo   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("SP up", &CH_sp   , opt_OffOn);
          pMenu->AddGroup("[Extras]", &CH_extras  , opt_Grp);
     if (CH_weap) {
      pMenu->AddItem("Crosshair"	 , &CH_crosshair  , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("MineView", &CH_mineview   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("AntiFlash", &CH_antiflash   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("QuickPlant", &CH_plant   , opt_OffOn);
      pMenu->AddItem("OPK", &CH_opk   , opt_OffOn);
    // --- simple FPS vars and function
    int	  Fpaysafecardounter = 0;
    float FPSfLastTickCount = 0.0f;
    float FPSfCurrentTickCount;
    void Fpaysafecardheck(char *str, char *format)
    FPSfCurrentTickCount = clock() * 0.001f;
    if((FPSfCurrentTickCount - FPSfLastTickCount) > 1.0f) {
        FPSfLastTickCount = FPSfCurrentTickCount;
        Fpaysafecardounter = 0;
    // Draw a background
    void DrawGui(pD3DdeviceX pDevice, DWORD col)
    if (CH_back==5)					// solid
    	col|=CH_back*0x30000000;	// transparency
    DrawBox(pDevice,pMenu->x-3,pMenu->y-2,pMenu->totwidth+6,pMenu->totheight+4  ,col);
    // called with every EndScene
    void DoMenu(pD3DdeviceX pDevice)
    if (pMenu==0) {												// first time , create the menu
        pMenu = new D3DMenu("== Abc D3D ==",100,160);	// title, maxitems,width
    	pMenu->visible=1;										// make it visible
    	pMenu->col_title=0xffffffff;							// change title color to white
    } else {
    	Fpaysafecardheck(sFPS,"%d Fps");
    	if (pMenu->noitems==0) RebuildMenu();
    	if (pMenu->visible && CH_back) DrawGui(pDevice,0x000000);  // black background
    // Seperate thread for making hacks
    DWORD WINAPI HACKthread( LPVOID param )
       // --- hack loop
    while (1) {
    #define PlayerPointer 0x00C93348 //PlayerPointer		
    if (CH_stamina=0)
    if (CH_stamina=1)
    PlayerPointer.SetFloat(0x000,   50); //Stealth Stamina
    if (CH_stamina=2)
    PlayerPointer.SetFloat(0x000,   100); //Full Stamina
    	// ..if (CH_stamina)   ....
    	// ..
    	// ..
    	// ..
    return 0;



    Brauch pls Hilfe.




    Also mal als erstes, es geht in WarRock nicht auf, das liegt daran dass du für DirecX9 kompiliert hast, WR aber Directx8 ist...

    #define PlayerPointer 0x00C93348 //PlayerPointer		
    if (CH_stamina=0)
    if (CH_stamina=1)
    PlayerPointer[color="#FF0000"].SetFloat[/color](0x000,   50); //Stealth Stamina
    if (CH_stamina=2)
    PlayerPointer[color="#FF0000"].SetFloat[/color](0x000,   100); //Full Stamina


    Du kannst von keiner einfach definierten HEX eine Funktion .SetFloat anhängen...

    Da brauchst du entweder eine Klasse wie die von Gordon:



    oder du machst es so:


    #define PlayerPointer 0x00C93348 //PlayerPointer		
    #define dwStaminaOffset 0x0 // Stamina offset
    if (CH_stamina=0)
    if (CH_stamina=1)
    DWORD dwPlyrPtr = *(DWORD*)PlayerPointer; 
    if(dwPlyrPtr != 0)
    *(int*)(dwPlyrPtr+dwStaminaOffset) = 50;
    // PlayerPointer[color="#FF0000"].SetFloat[/color](0x000,   50); //Stealth Stamina
    if (CH_stamina=2)
    DWORD dwPlyrPtr = *(DWORD*)PlayerPointer; 
    if(dwPlyrPtr != 0)
    *(int*)(dwPlyrPtr+dwStaminaOffset) = 1000;
    // PlayerPointer[color="#FF0000"].SetFloat[/color](0x000,   100); //Full Stamina


    PS: Das Menü wird nach ca. 1 minute einfach verschwinden, das liegt am hackshield

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    Ja das hab ich schon versucht, ich hab alles was mit d3d9 zutun hatte gelöscht dann kamen noch mehr fehler , 32 oder so -.-


    Das mit Hackshield weis ich, ich hab ja einen ByPass nur mir fehlen die Addys von HackShield und ich weis nicht wie ich den einbaue, hab mit C++ erst vor nem Monat angefangen und habe erst 2 Hacks releast.


    EDIT: So wie Gordon hab ichs schon versucht, find ich zu umständlich xD Ty für deine Methode O.o


    EDIT2 : So habs mal gemacht, und es kam das dabei raus ;)


    Also der Stamina Code funzte, aber die Umwandlung in DirectX8 war schrecklich: 184 Fehler, 12 Warnungen ;)

    Edited by Abcwc1
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