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    iPod Jailbreak


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    Need Help Jailbreaking Your iPod?




    Let's Start With A little iPod Jailbreak Language!


    1. Jailbreak-Jailbreaking is a process that allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to run unofficial code on their devices bypassing Apple's official distribution mechanism, the App Store. Once jailbroken, iPhone users are able to download many applications previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia and Icy. It's estimated that 4 million (out of 40 million) iPods and iPhones are jailbroken.


    What jailbreaking originally, and still does was just simply allow acess to restricted files and folders for regular iDevice users.


    This is the start of all the hacking. Not much else is possible without an easy jailbreak. The dev-team needs to get throught the software (the firmware) and the hardware of the actual device. It is a very complicated process, made easy today with redsn0w 0.8 and future updates. Once a device is jailbroken, it's jailbroken for life. The firmware is the easy part.


    2. SSH- SSH stands for Secure Shell.


    If you connect to your iPod Touch over WiFi/USB using a SSH client such as winscp, you can access your iPod Touches file system with a command (text based) interface. A bit like DOS or terminal.


    Yet again, pretty complicated really. If you don't know what your doing, don't play around with it.


    SSH really can be extremely helpful though. Whether its porting apps or adding new themes, SSH is very useful.


    3. Dev Team- They are basically the team of experts who are constantly working on hacking different devices. They have released the new redsn0ws, and will be working on getting through different holes to hack future devices. For more info on them and their official blog go to: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/


    4. Winterboard/Themes- Winterboard is one of the most popular applications available to the jailbroken devices. Basically, it lets you enable/disable themes for your iDevice. The themes can take place on the Springboard, The slide to unlock screen, or even within applications! It is a great app to have for JBen devices. It was originally called summerboard, but with new devices and firmware updates has now officially been changed and dubbed winterboard. A theme is a simple file folder you can download or ssh into your iDevice containing rightly sized and named .png files. They cover up the reall application/background colors/pictures. It's like giving your iDevice a new outfit. Tons available to download.


    5. Roms/emulators-A rom means Read Only Memory. It is the game file that comes from Cartridges, and cartidges only! For cd gaming systems, the corect term is ISOAn emulator is like a program that runs thes ROM files. Basically, the ROM is the game and the EMU is the game system. Bios are required for systems such as the GBA, PSX, and above. (Newer systems) Though originally for pc's, many emulators with roms have been ported to different devices, like cell phones, ipod touches, psp's and much more. There are TONS of websites for these. My favorite is emuparadise.org



    Unlock is the basic process of using ultrasn0w to allow your iphone to run on carriers other than At&t. In the US, the only other carrier you can use is T-Mobile. That's because that is the only other GSM carrier in the US. International users have many other options. What you need to do is follow these videos below, and then go to your carrier store and buy a SIM card. Unlock and insert SIM and presto, you should have your iphone unlocked. (This is for IPHONES, not Ipod Touches, obviously.)


    1st, 2nd, and 3G Iphones http://www.youtube.com/tysiphonehelp...15/E9NXstX0-Tk

    3GS http://www.youtube.com/tysiphonehelp...12/EdWYW0sECpQ



    7. Cracked Apps (often used with installous)-


    Cracked apps are applications that have been downloaded through iTunes, then a hacker got a hold of 'em cracked it, and made it free. Simple as that. The main app cracking software for iDevices is crackulous. Add the Hackulous repo to cydia to get it. Also installous is the software for iDevices to install the apps to your device and have them show up on your springboard. Jailbroken apps such as gpsphone or cycorder which cost money can be cracked as well.


    Cracked apps are free. The website for installous can also be viewed on a computer. Go to appulo.us to start getting your free cracked apps today!



    8. Saurik and Zodttd

    Name: Jay Freeman (Saurik) He is pretty much the "owner of cydia. " A big name in hacking ipods.


    Zodttd Was the one who originally ported emulators to the ipod touch and iphone. He has done em all. Gpsphone, gameboy4iphone,psx4iphone, NES 3, snes4iphone, genesis4iphone and more games as well. Another big name in jailbreaking.


    Other notables: Ty Moss from Tysiphonehelp.com, Chris from itouchipodz, Dinozambas, theIpodkid, aleshox1234, ironman3333333, and huskermania.


    9. Firmware

    Firmware is basically like a version of an iDevice. The iphone team works on them all the time. They add new features and basically just upgrade your device. Apple charges 10 dollars on new ones usually, but http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ gives you the newest ones for free. A nice site, indeed. To upgrade to a firmware, put your device in DFU restore mode, click hold shift and press restore in iTunes. Select the firmware. (It must be .ipsw not .zip)


    The firmwares for Iphones/ipod touches:

















    3.1 (Still in beta stages)


    10. Cydia/Installer/Icy/Kryptes

    These are the mains sources of installing jailbroken files. Cydia is the most popular. Installer was great back in the day. Icy, is new and quick (Which is also Installer 5 basically) Kryptes, is well kryptes, It sucks.


    They all have nice UI's (User interfaces) You can add repo's (Which are like sources) There are tons of em, many are standard.


    Really nice.


    11. DFU Restore Mode

    DFU stands for Device Firmware Upgrade. It is what you need to do to upgrade firmwares for free. If you're device stays in DFU mode, then DFU means definitely fked up! LOL. To put a device in dfu mode:



    12. Repo's and Sources

    Repo's are website url's entered into cydia/icy or any other installer you use. There are TONS of them! They are where you get your file downloads from. Repo is short for repositories. http://tysiphonehelp.com/?page_id=155 for a large list of them. Some of the more popular ones are

    Zodttd's source






    X Roms


    And many more!


    13. The different devices

    There are 6 different apple devices that are jailbreakable. (soon to be 7)

    They are:

    iPhone 2G/EDGE (Cingular 4GB)

    iPhone 2G/EDGE (AT&T 8,16 GB)

    iPhone 3G (AT&T 8,16 GB)

    iPhone 3G (AT&T 16,32 GB)


    iPod Touch 1G (8,16 GB)

    iPod Touch 2G (8,16,32 GB)

    iPod Touch 3G (8,16,32,64)


    Heres how to tell them apart:

    The first and 2nd gen iphones have silver backs on the top and black on the bottom, also they are much more "bulkier than 3G/S". The 3G is available in only black. The 3GS is in white/black. The backs of both the 3G and the 3GS are identical though, excluding color differences


    Ipod touch 1g's back is flater with a squared black wifi reciever. 2G's is more rounded and metal with a rounded black wifi receiver. The 2G has a speaker, the 1g does not.






    Iphone 3G/S



    Ipod Touches



    (The 2G is just when they stopped releasing 4gig iphones)





    Tethered jailbreaks require the user to plug the device back into the computer via usb cable and re run Blackra1n every time they turn off, restart, or respring their device. Aka if you turn it off you have to re run blackra1n to make your device work again.

    For those with untethered jailbreaks they do not have to worry about re running Blackra1n, so just think of it like you just have everything working normally, but you know jailbroken.


    Things You Need:

    In this guide I will be referring to any internet browsing on the Mozilla Firefox browser, make sure you are using the browser during this jailbreak, you should already be using this browser (it’s the best one ever created) and if you aren’t please download it from there official site (Google is your friend).

    First you must get the correct firmware on your device. You will need the 3.1.2 official firmware from Apple on your device. Make sure you back up any data you have before restoring to this firmware, and if you already have it, it may help to back up your data so if someone does go wrong you will not lose anything. So either way, make sure you back up data. Make sure you have the correct version of iTunes most cases just updated to the newest version (this jailbreak was made with iTunes 9).

    If you do not have the correct firmware and do not want to pay Apple $10 for what should be a free update go here to select the correct firmware for your device: http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/

    Once you have the correct firmware loaded get the program Blackra1n at http://www.blackra1n.com. Once on this site click the Windows Logo or the Apple Logo to get the correct version of the program for your device. Install if need be. Proceed to next section.


    Process of Jailbreaking:

    1. Plug in device via usb on main motherboard of computer (no extra slots)

    2. Close iTunes and open the Task Manager (cntrl + alt + delete). In the processes tab of the task bar close the ituneshelper.exe.

    3. Right Click Blackra1n.exe and select run as admin. From here you will be prompted with a box with the words MAKE IT RA1N on a large button in the middle.

    4. Click the button.

    5. Wait for the process to complete, your device is being jailbroken.


    Congratulations your iPod Touch/iPhone is now jailbroken using blackra1n.


    When installing Cydia and/or Rock Apps make sure you are on unprotected wifi for them to be installed correctly.

    When you get Cydia running make sure you get the package add2afc to allow usb ssh.






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