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    Recommended Posts

    Hey Gemeinde,


    wer Zeit, Lust und Können hat, soll doch bitte folgendes übersetzen:



    Das ist ein großer Array, immer nur das rechts vom Zuweisungspfeil übersetzen.


    Beispiel :


    'News' -> 'Nachrichten',


    machst du zu


    'News' -> 'News',




    Das Meiste ist von der Bezeichnung her schon so klar, dass du nur tippen musst. Habe keine Zeit dafür.

    Achja, nach ENGLISCH SRY übersetzen, nicht nach Lateinisch oder so.

    Wär euch mega dankbar O.o


    Alles Gute, Majore

    Edited by meijör
    Link to comment
    Share on other sites

    Man soll das nach Deutsch übersetzen? O.o SCHEIßE! Hab alles nach Englisch übersetzt loool

    Link to comment
    Share on other sites

    Hier haste deine Übersetzung:





    // Last Modification on 24.01.2010 //



    defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );

    # Utf-8 Codierung


    # Folgende Umlaute ändern

    # Ö = Ö

    # ö = ö

    # Ä = Ä

    # ä = ä

    # Ü = Ü

    # ü = ü


    $lang = array



    #### Language Description #########


    'langdesc' => 'en',



    #### Header Navigation ############


    'navinformationen' => 'informations',

    'navnews' => 'news',

    'navavailablegames' => 'Available Games',

    'navstatistics' => 'Statistics',

    'navallgames' => 'All Games',

    'navalltoplist' => 'toplist',

    'navalldaystats' => 'Statistics of the Day',

    'navgameaccount' => 'Configuration',

    'deineaccounts' => 'Your Accounts',



    #### Error Pages ##################


    'keinerechte' => 'You do not have the permission to see this site!',



    #### Homepage Footer (Copyright) ##


    'footerbestview' => 'Best resolution of', # 1024x768 ...

    'footerorhigher' => 'or higher',

    'footerallerechtevorbehalten' => 'All rights reserved', # All Rights Reserved

    'footercontact' => 'Contact',





    # URL: http://www..org/.html

    # News Pages


    'newsuserinuse' => 'This name has already been used by someone else, please pic another name.',

    'newsnonewsincat' => 'No news in this category.',

    'newsaufrufen' => 'Open the news archieve',

    'newslastmodifi' => 'last change at',

    'newsnotexist' => 'This news do not exist or you have insufficient rights!.',

    'newsback' => 'back',

    'newscommentuserexist' => 'This name has allready been used by someone else, please pic another name.',

    'oclock' => 'o\'Clock',

    'on' => 'on',

    'comment' => 'comment',

    'comments' => 'comments',

    'usercommentstitle' => 'user comments',

    'nocomments' => 'no comments',

    'writecomment' => 'write a comment',

    'commentsarticle' => 'comments for the article',

    'sendnewstofriend' => 'Send news to friend',

    'newsprintopt' => 'printversion',

    'newsrss' => 'RSS version',

    'newsfrom' => 'this news are written by',

    'commentdelte' => 'delete comment?',

    'lastnewsbox' => 'last messages',




    # URL: http://www..org/.html

    # Available Games


    'availablegames' => 'Available games',

    'developer' => 'developer',

    'engine' => 'Engine',

    'releasedate' => 'Published at',

    'systemrequirements' => 'System Requirements',

    'ratethisgame' => 'Rate this Game',

    'download' => 'Download this Game',






    #### Configuration / Navigation Box #######


    'accounts' => 'Your Accounts',

    'accountsadd' => 'Add Account',

    'privatemessagetitle' => 'Private Messages',

    'inbox' => 'Entrance',

    'outbox' => 'Exit',

    'archiv' => 'Archive',

    'system' => 'System',

    'profiledit' => 'Edit Profile',

    'profilview' => 'Show Profile',



    # Game Accounts List

    # ------------------


    'accountslistentitle' => 'Entered Accounts',

    'acclistno' => 'No.',

    'acclistgame' => 'Game',

    'acclistname' => 'Name',

    'acclistsstatus' => 'Status',

    'acclistlastupdate' => 'Last Update',

    'acclistoption' => 'Options',

    'acclistaktiv' => 'Activ',

    'acclistinaktiv' => 'Inactiv',

    'acclistremoveaccount' => 'Delete Account',

    'acclistactivateagain' => 'Activate again',




    # Game Accounts Add

    # ------------------


    'accaddtitle' => 'Add a Game account',

    'addaccex' => 'Player already registered in our database.', // Funzt ned

    'addaccok' => 'Successfull added', // Funzt ned

    'addaccincorectgame' => 'Wrong Game!',

    'addaccsearch' => 'You have to entere something in to search',

    'addaccerrorwithmode' => 'Error in query modus',

    'addacccrossfiredoesntname' => 'Crossfire does not support searching names!',

    'addaccblackshotdoesntname' => 'Blackshot does not support searching names!',

    'addaccerror' => 'Player does not exist or have no statictics!',

    'addaccnetworkerror' => 'Network Error. Try again later.',

    'addaccfindplayererror' => 'Could not find the name,<br/>Try with your ID',

    'htmladdaccgameselect' => 'Choose game',

    'htmladdaccmode' => 'Modus',

    'htmladdaccsearch' => 'Search',

    'youhavetouseidforthisgame' => 'You need ID for this game',

    'findaccountbyname' => 'Searching for your Ingame name',

    'workalways' => 'always works',


    #### Game Account Remove

    'accdelete' => 'Account deleted!',

    'accnotfoundornotown' => 'Account was not found or you are not the owner.',

    'playeridnotgiven' => 'Player ID not transfered',

    'activatefaild' => 'Activation Error, this account has no statictics',

    'activateok' => 'Activation successfull',




    ## Private Nachrichten ##################


    ## Hemnu Anzeige

    'pmwrite' => 'Message - Write',

    'pmeingang' => 'Messages - Entrance',

    'pmeingangdisplay' => 'Messages - Entrance - Show',

    'pmausgang' => 'Messages - Exit',

    'pmoutboxdisplay' => 'Messages - Exit - Show',

    'pmarchiv' => 'Messages - Archive',

    'pmarchiveingang' => 'Messages - Archive - Entrance - Show',

    'pmarchivausgang' => 'Messages - Archive - Exit - Show',

    'pmsystemeingang' => 'Messages - System Entrance',

    'pmsystem' => 'Messages - System - Show',


    'pmreciver' => 'Receiver could not be found!',

    'pmsendok' => 'Message successfull sendet!',

    'pmnoreciver' => 'Does not found the receiver.',

    'pmssendok' => 'PMs successfull sendet.',

    'pmfoundnouser' => 'Following names could not be found:',

    'pmoffline' => 'Private messages were completely deleted by Administrator',

    'pmback' => 'Back',

    'notatgast' => 'not approved by Guest!',

    'pmsettings' => 'In <a href="index.php?user-profil">Profile</a> turn on that you want to use the 'Private Message' function',

    'pmmakieren' => 'You have to mark a message to delete it!',

    'pmnachrichten' => 'Messages?',

    'pmnachricht' => 'Message?',

    'pmloeschen' => 'Do you really want to do this ?',

    'pmdelete' => 'Delete',

    'pmnachrichtengeloescht' => 'Messages Delete!',

    'pmnachrichtgeloescht' => 'Message Delete!',

    'pmdeleteerfolgreich' => 'successfull deleted!',

    'pmmackierenarchiv' => 'You have to mark a message to move it into the archive.',

    'pmsubject' => 'no regard',

    'pmnopmdelete' => 'No message for deleting was marked',

    'pmnoarchiv' => 'No message for archiving was marked',

    'pmnomessagetitle' => 'no message regard',

    'pmnotread' => 'Message was not read yet',

    'pmnew' => 'new', ## flashes for showing that the message is new

    'archivempfangene' => 'Receieved',

    'archivgesendete' => 'Sent',


    'pmdeletew' => 'Do you want to',

    'pmdeltethe' => 'the',

    'pmdeletemessage' => 'Message',

    'pmdeletemessages' => 'Messages',

    'pmdeltetrue' => ' really delete?',

    'pmdeleteyes' => 'Yes',

    'pmdeleteno' => 'No',



    #### Profil Edit Page ####################


    'profiledittitle' => 'Edit profile',

    'personaldata' => 'Personal data',

    'kontakteinstellungen' => 'Contact settings',

    'signatur' => 'Signature',

    'avatarsettings' => 'Avatar settings',

    'changepassword' => 'Change password',

    'savesettings' => 'Save settings ?',

    'attentiontitle' => 'Attention!',

    'attentiontext' => '

    This step can not be undone. After deleting all your datas were deleted.


    'emailchange' => 'If you want to change your E-mail you have to confirm it on your old activation E-mail!',



    #### User Page ####################


    'userdetails' => 'User details',

    'contactinformation' => 'Contact informations',

    'useravatar' => 'User avatar',

    'friends' => 'Friends',

    'userpictures' => 'User pictures',

    'insert' => 'Registered',



    #### Friends Script ###############


    'friendpnanfragetitle' => 'Ask for being friends',

    'friendpnanfrage' => '

    %s want to be friend with you.


    Accept ? <a href="index.php?gamerprofil-addfriendaccept-%s-yes-%s-%s">yes</a> / <a href="index.php?gamerprofil-addfriendaccept-%s-no-%s-%s">no</a>


    'friendpnangenommentitle' => 'Accept friend request',

    'friendpnangenommen' => '%s has accepted your friend request. You are friends now xD',

    'friendpnabgelehnttitle' => 'Denied friend request',

    'friendpnabgelehnt' => '%s has denied your friend request. :)',


    'friendpndeletemsg' => '<a href="http://%s.THATSTHELINK.org">%s</a> has deleted your friendship.',

    'friendpndeletetitle' => 'Deleted',

    'friendpndeleteweiter' => 'Successfull deleted out of your buddylist.',



    #### Member Liste ###############


    'memberlist' => 'Memberlist',

    'memberlistland' => 'Country',

    'memberlistname' => 'Name',

    'memberlistgruppe' => 'Group',

    'memberlistpn' => 'Message',

    'memberlisthomepage' => 'Homepage',

    'memberlistregdate' => 'Registered since',

    'memberlistlastip' => 'Last IP',




    #### Profil Ansicht #############


    'profilnodata' => 'No details',

    'profilland' => 'Country',

    'profilnickname' => 'Nickname',

    'profildabeiseit' => 'Registered since',

    'profilletzteaktivitaet' => 'Last activity',

    'profilgameaccounts' => 'Game accounts',

    'profilicq' => 'ICQ',

    'profilmsn' => 'MSN',

    'profilyahoo' => 'Yahoo',

    'profilaim' => 'Aim',

    'profilpm' => 'Pm',

    'profilemail' => 'Email',

    'profilpmwrite' => 'Write',

    'profilalter' => 'Age',

    'profilueberschriftdetails' => 'User details',

    'profilueberschriftkontakt' => 'Contact',

    'profilplayerdetails' => 'Player details',

    'profilclandetails' => 'Clan details',




    #### Registration ##############


    'changedthemail' => "Hallo,\nYou have just changed your Email address. Please confirm it with this link...\n\n",

    'confirmfailure' => 'No entry was found. Maybe it is too old and was beeing deleted or you have just visited this site by the same link twice.',

    'confirmpassword' => 'Your new password was successfull changed, you can now now <a href="index.php?user-login">log in</a>.',

    'confirmemail' => 'Your Email was successfull changed...',

    'confirmregist' => 'Successfull changed, you can now <a style="font-style:bold;" href="index.php?user-login">log in</a>.',

    'confirmregistfailed' => 'Anyone was faster than you, this name is already in use. Please <a href="index.php?user-regist">register</a> new',

    'confirmaccdelete' => 'Your account was deleted. You will now be directed to the first page',

    'namealreadyinuse' => 'This nickname is already in use.',

    'wrongnickname' => 'Your nickname has to require following rules: at least 3 signs, at most 15 signs. Following signs are allowed: []+-*=.| also spaces, all


    capitilization and all numbers.',

    'yourdata' => 'You have to fill out all fields!',


    'registemail' => "

    Hello %s,


    welcome to this site!


    Activate account:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Your Login:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Name : %s

    Password : %s

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Because your password is encrypted in our database, please keep it well.


    Best regards

    s3mt3x und antihacker



    'newpasswordmail' => "Hello %s,\n\nto confirm your new passwork click following link\n\n%s\n\nyour password: %s\n\nIf this password is not desired, this link


    can be ignored.\n\nAdministrator",

    'register' => 'Register',

    'REGISTER' => 'R E G I S T E R', # Title at registration

    'pleaseconfirmmail' => "Pleas confirm the Email",

    'pleaseconfirmremove' => "A Email was sent to you with that you can confirm the deleting of your account.",

    'passwortchanged' => 'The password was successfull changed',

    'passwortwrong' => 'The password is wrong!',

    'passwortnotequal' => 'The both new passwords have to match each other',

    'registconfirm' => 'For your final registration click the following link:',

    'registconfirmlink' => 'http://%s?user-confirm&check=%s',

    'registredand' => 'register and',

    'registrededand' => 'registered and',

    'removeconfirm' => "Hello,\nDo you really want to delete your account? Confirm it with following link...\n\n",

    'nopermission' => 'no authorization',

    'namenotfound' => 'Nickname not found',



    # Account Tranfer Lang ##################


    'transferattention' => 'Please follow this instructions!<br/>

    1. Change your password on the account you want to transfer.<br/>

    2. Type username and password in here (same as the WarRock login)<br/>

    3. If the transfer was done, change the password again.<br/>


    We BEG everyone to follow this steps. If not, this action is at own risk!<br/>


    For anyone who knows s3mt3x / antihacker me (s3mt3x) say, jump over this step.<br/>


    'transferusername' => 'Username:',

    'transferpasswort' => 'Password:',

    'transferbutton' => 'Give it back to me :D',

    'transfererror' => 'Username or password was wrong. Or the login from the server is down. Please try again later.',

    'transferok' => 'Transfer was successfull.',

    'transfererroracc' => 'We could not find this user in our database',

    'transferitsyours' => 'You already have transfered this account, or it is not in our database',

    'transferlink' => 'Account transfer',



    # Ö = Ö

    # ö = ö

    # Ä = Ä

    # ä = ä

    # Ü = Ü

    # ü = ü






    'active' => 'active',

    'administrattopic' => 'Administrate topic',

    'adminarea' => 'Admin area',

    'against' => 'against',

    'age' => 'Age',

    'aim' => 'AIM',

    'allow' => 'approve',

    'allowed' => 'approved',

    'and' => 'and',

    'answer' => 'Post answer',

    'answers' => 'Answer',

    'astodo' => 'As Todo',

    'at' => 'to',

    'at2' => 'too',

    'attentionplease' => 'Please note',

    'author' => 'Author',

    'avatar' => 'Avatar',

    'away' => 'Away',

    'April' => 'April',

    'archiv' => 'Archive',

    'August' => 'August',

    'back' => 'Back',

    'birthday' => 'Birthday',

    'board' => 'Forum overview',

    'bold' => 'Bold',

    'balance' => 'Balance',

    'change' => 'Change',

    'changed' => 'Changed',

    'changesuccessful' => 'Successfull changed',

    'category' => 'Category',

    'choosefaqpoint' => 'Choose FAQ-Point',

    'clancountry' => 'Origin',

    'clanname' => 'Clanname',

    'clanpage' => 'Clan-Homepage',

    'clearshoutbox' => 'Clear shoutbox',

    'close' => 'Close',

    'open' => 'Open',

    'code' => 'Code',

    'cancellation' => 'Cacellation',

    'comment' => 'Comment',

    'comments' => 'Comments',

    'nothingavailable' => 'Nothing available',

    'commentsfor' => 'Comments for',

    'criterions' => 'Criterions',

    'current' => 'Current',

    'date' => 'Date',

    'dates' => 'Dates',

    'delete' => 'Delete',

    'deletesuccessful' => 'Delete successfull',

    'demolink' => 'Demo link',

    'desc' => 'Description',

    'detailsfrom' => 'Details from',

    'docu' => 'Documentation',

    'download' => 'Download',

    'downloads' => 'Downloads',

    'December' => 'December',

    'downs' => 'Downs',

    'edit' => 'Edit',

    'edit2' => 'Edit',

    'editforum' => 'Administrate forum',

    'editpassword' => 'Change password',

    'enter' => 'Enter',

    'entries' => 'Entries',

    'exsearch' => 'Advanced Search',

    'newsletterinout' => 'Enter/Deliver',

    'faqs' => 'FAQs',

    'favmap' => 'favorite. Map',

    'female' => 'Female',

    'filename' => 'Filename',

    'files' => 'Files',

    'fileup' => 'Upload files',

    'filter' => 'Filter',

    'finduser' => 'Find user',

    'for' => 'für',

    'forgottenpassword' => 'Forgot password',

    'formsub' => 'Send',

    'forward' => 'Forward',

    'forwarding' => 'Forwarding',

    'forward2' => 'Further',

    'Friday' => 'Friday',

    'February' => 'Februrary',

    'from' => 'from',

    'fromotherusers' => 'From other users',

    'game' => 'Game',

    'ground' => 'Ground',

    'group' => 'Group',

    'lasttimeonline' => 'Last time online: ',

    'guests' => 'Gäste',

    'guest' => 'Guest',

    'had' => 'had',

    'hello' => 'Hello',

    'hits' => 'Hits',

    'homepage' => 'Homepage',

    'hometown' => 'Hometown',

    'icq' => 'ICQ',

    'icqnumber' => 'ICQ-Number',

    'in' => 'in',

    'inbox' => 'Inbox',

    'inactive' => 'Inactive',

    'info' => 'Information',

    'insertsuccessful' => 'Insert successfull',

    'it' => 'It',

    'italic' => 'Italic',

    'itdoesntmatter' => 'It doesn't matter',

    'January' => 'January',

    'June' => 'June',

    'July' => 'July',

    'lastactivity' => 'Last activity',

    'lastfrom' => 'Last from',

    'lastpost' => 'Last post',

    'link' => 'Link',

    'linkor' => 'Link or',

    'links' => 'Links',

    'listview' => 'Listview',

    'listofmembers' => 'List of members',

    'list' => 'List',

    'login' => 'Login',

    'login2' => 'Log in',

    'LOGIN' => 'L O G I N',

    'logout' => 'Logout',

    'los' => 'Los',

    'mail' => 'E-mail',

    'mails' => 'E-mails',

    'member' => 'Member',

    'mailaddy' => 'E-mail address',

    'male' => 'männlich',

    'map' => 'Map',

    'matchtype' => 'Matchtype',

    'match' => 'Match',

    'max' => 'maximum',

    'maxheight' => 'maximum height',

    'maxwidth' => 'max width',

    'meetingplace' => 'Meetingplace',

    'meetingtime' => 'Meetingtime',

    'message' => 'Message',

    'messages' => 'Messages',

    'messagetitle' => 'Messagetitle',

    'Monday' => 'Monday',

    'March' => 'March',

    'May' => 'May',

    'monthsview' => 'Monthsview',

    'more' => 'more',

    'msn' => 'MSN',

    'name' => 'Name',

    'needed' => 'needed',

    'newpassword' => 'New password',

    'newposts' => 'New posts',

    'new' => 'New',

    'newpost' => 'New post',

    'news' => 'News',

    'nextwars' => 'Next Wars',

    'nick' => 'Nick',

    'nickname' => 'Nickname',

    'November' => 'November',

    'no' => 'No',

    'outbox' => 'Outbox',

    'options' => 'Options',

    'opponent' => 'Opponent',

    'otherwisenoaction' => 'No otherwise action',

    'October' => 'October',

    'page' => 'Page',

    'pat' => 'Pat',

    'pleasecopy' => 'Please copy',

    'participant' => 'Participant',

    'password' => 'Password',

    'perday' => 'Per day',

    'picture' => 'Picture',

    'pictures' => 'Pictures',

    'pictureupload' => 'Picture Upload',

    'pictureuploaded' => 'Picture uploaded',

    'picturedelete' => 'Picture deleted',

    'place' => 'Place',

    'popupbynewmsg' => 'Popup by new message',

    'post' => 'Post',

    'posts' => 'Posts',

    'posts2' => 'Posts',

    'present' => 'Present',

    'preview' => 'Preview',

    'privatemessages' => 'Private Message',

    'profil' => 'Profil',

    'promise' => 'Promise',

    'quotation' => 'Quote',

    'quote' => 'Quote',

    'rank' => 'Rank',

    'rules' => 'Rules',

    'rating' => 'Rating',

    'receiver' => 'Receiver',

    'reference' => 'Reference',

    'regist' => 'Regist',

    'registernow' => 'Register now',

    'regsince' => 'Registered since',

    'regtime' => 'Registration time',

    'reject' => 'Reject',

    'realydelete' => 'Really delete?',

    'rejected' => 'rejected',

    'removeaccount' => 'Remove account',

    'remark' => 'Remark',

    'rename' => 'Rename',

    'repeat' => 'Repeat',

    'report' => 'Report',

    'reported' => 'Reported',

    'result' => 'Result',

    'round' => 'Round',

    'subject' => 'Subject',

    'Saturday' => 'Saturday',

    'search' => 'Search',

    'second' => 'Second',

    'seconds' => 'Seconds',

    'seen' => 'Seen',

    'seenfrom' => 'Seen from',

    'send' => 'Send',

    'send2' => 'Send',

    'sender' => 'Sender',

    'sentby' => 'Sent by',

    'sentto' => 'Sent to',

    'sex' => 'Sex',

    'shift' => 'Shift',

    'shortdesc' => 'Short description',

    'signature' => 'Signature',

    'signs' => 'Signs',

    'sitemap' => 'Sitemap',

    'size' => 'Size',

    'skill' => 'Skill',

    'squad' => 'Squad',

    'status' => 'Status',

    'Sunday' => 'Sunday',

    'support' => 'Support',

    'September' => 'September',

    'text' => 'Text',

    'time' => 'Time',

    'the' => 'The',

    'Thursday' => 'Thursday',

    'to' => 'To', # bis heisst by ? to heist zu zum usw... O.o

    'to2' => 'To',

    'todos' => 'Todos',

    'tookplace' => 'Took place',

    'topic' => 'Topic',

    'today' => 'Today',

    'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',

    'topicclosed' => 'Topic closed',

    'Tuesday' => 'Tuesday',

    'underlined' => 'Underlined',

    'update' => 'Update',

    'upload' => 'Upload',

    'uptobeginning' => 'Up to beginning',

    'version' => 'Version',

    'voter' => 'Voter',

    'voting' => 'Voting',

    'war' => 'War',

    'Wednesday' => 'Wednesday',

    'whatfor' => 'What for',

    'whole' => 'Whole',

    'win' => 'Win',

    'writeananswer' => 'Write answer',

    'writemessage' => 'Write message',

    'writeyourpost' => 'Write your post',

    'writecomment' => 'Write Comment',

    'xonx' => 'XonX',

    'yahoo' => 'Yahoo',

    'yes' => 'Yes',

    'yournick' => 'Your nick',



    ## Bewertungen/ratings

    'verygood' => 'Very good',

    'good' => 'Good',

    'middle' => 'Middle',

    'bad' => 'Bad',

    'verybad' => 'Very bad',


    ## laengere saetzte

    'addcomment' => 'Add comment',

    'afteryoureceivedthemail' => 'After you received the Email',

    'amailhasbeensenttoyouwithmailandpass' => 'A EMail has been sent to you with mail and pass',

    'avatarisnopicture' => 'An avatar is no picture.',

    'avatarcannotupload' => 'This pictures may be too big or it has too many Bytes',

    'awaycalnewenquiry' => 'A new Away-date was entered in. Please check!',

    'awaycalchangedenquiry' => 'An Away-date was changed. Please check!',

    'awaycalstatuschanged' => 'The status of your request was changed. Please check!',

    'DisOwnedhowstartstop' => 'Start/stop DisOwnedhow',

    'dateform' => 'Date form',

    'datemanage' => 'Manage date',

    'doyoureallydelthispost' => 'Do you really want to delete this post?',

    'donotpostsofast' => 'Do not post too fast...',

    'editthispost' => 'Edit this post',

    'edityoutpost' => 'Edit your post',

    'emailsuccessfullsend' => 'Email successfull sendet.',

    'emailcouldnotsend' => 'Email could not send. The details were checked simple. Is something wrong, the mail cannot be send.',

    'fightusrequest' => "\n\nYou can take the request in adminpanel as nextwar... Don't forget to contact the clan :D",

    'guestsonline,ofthem' => 'Guests online, of them',

    'wholevisitor' => 'Whole visitor',

    'weeksum' => 'Week sum',

    'gbooktexttolong' => 'This text is longer than %s allowed signs',

    'inserthereaname' => 'Insert name here, the sign * can be used as joker, if you use it all alone, all users will displayed.',

    'login3failure' => 'You tried unfortunately too login three times!<br>Because of security reasons it is allowed to try too login three times only. Come back


    later and let send your <a href="?user-13"> password</a>, to your Email if you forgot it.',

    'leaderofxalert' => 'The leader of %s was notified.',

    'logoutsuccessful' => 'Logout sucessfull, all cookies were deleted!',

    'membershaveritten' => 'Members have written',

    'memberwhohavebeenplayed' => 'Members who have been played',

    'markallasread' => 'Mark all as read',

    'nonewposts' => 'No new posts',

    'noteamthere' => 'No team there. The administrator have to create one first.',

    'overvieaboutthelast5posts' => 'Overview about the last 5 posts',

    'picofcat' => 'Pic of category',

    'pleaseclickonpic' => 'Please click on pic to close it',

    'pleasefillinyournickname' => 'Please insert your nickname',

    'plsfilloutallfields' => 'Please fill out all fields',

    'postsin' => 'Posts in',

    'readandok' => 'Read and agree',

    'readwholenews' => 'Read whole news',

    'sitemapforboard' => 'Sitemap for board',

    'sitemapfordownloads' => 'Sitemap for downloads',

    'sitemapforlinks' => 'Sitemap for links',

    'sitemapfornews' => 'Sitemap for news',

    'thedelwassuccessful' => 'The post was successfull deleted<br/><br/>Back to;',

    'topics' => 'Topics',

    'topicwithnoreply' => 'Topic with no reply',

    'ownposts' => 'Own posts',

    'newtopicssincelastvisit' => 'New topics since last visit',

    'topicidnotfound' => 'Topic ID was not found',

    'forumidnotfound' => 'Forum ID was not found',

    'whereyouwrite' => 'Where you write?',

    'writeanewtopic' => 'Write a new topic',

    'mailonreply' => 'Mail on reply to this topic',

    'nomailonreply' => '<b>Keine</b> Mail on reply to this topic',

    'writenewmessage' => 'Write new message',

    'fixedtopic' => 'Fixed topic',

    'normaltopic' => 'Normal topic',

    'writeyourpost' => 'Write your post',

    'youhavereceivedaemail' => 'You have received a Email to confirm your new password.',

    'yourareloged' => 'You are logged in',

    'yourregistrationwassuccessful' => 'Your registration was successfull',

    'topicalertmessage' => "Hello %s\n\nIn topic \"%s\" was written a new post...\n\nLink to topic: http://%s?forum-showposts-%s-topicalert\n\nIf you don't want


    to receive an Email when the topic has a new post, you can unsubscribe in the post below (if you are logged in)",

    'nowvoteavailable' => 'No vote available',

    'vote' => 'Vote',

    'newtopic' => 'New topic',

    'postlastchangedby' => 'Post last changed by',

    'createtopicsuccessful' => 'Your topic was successfull created',

    'createpostsuccessful' => 'Your post was successfull created',

    'changepostsuccessful' => 'Your post was successfull changed',

    'backtotopic' => 'Back to topic',

    'backtotopicoverview' => 'Back to overview',

    'ende' => 'Ende',

    'phpserverconf' => 'PHP server configuration',

    'filesystemrights' => 'Filesystem rights',

    'correct' => 'Right',

    'incorrect' => 'Wrong'




    #$x = array();

    #foreach ($lang as $k => $v) { $x[$k] = 'NIX'; }

    #$lang = $x;



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