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    Welcome to [GHB] - GAmEhAcKbAsTaRdS Forum

    Welcome to [GHB] - GAmEhAcKbAsTaRdS Forum, like most online communities you must register to view or post in our community, but don't worry this is a simple free process that requires minimal information for you to signup. Be apart of [GHB] - GAmEhAcKbAsTaRdS Forum by signing in or creating an account.
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    Global Forum Rules! [English]


    Recommended Posts

    Dear ghbsys.net Users. To use this Forum without Problems and don't get any problems with other users or something else, i list the forum rules for you. Please follow the rules or you could get in trouble which nobody wants

    Global Forum Rules

    1. No Ripping/Unauthorized Use of Code.
    You are free to use all knowledge here for your personal, non commercial gain.
    You under no circumstances may use any intellectual property from this website for any commercial gain unless you have written consent of the original author.

    2.a No Pornographic Material.
    Any sexually oriented imagery or links to such content will not be tolerated.bp9KEYO.png?1

    2.b No racism
    Any racism oriented imagery, jokes, insults or links to such content will not be tolerated.

    3. No Warez/Cracks/Serials or Illegal Software.
    This includes linking to software, posting about it, and suggesting to get it.

    4. No Excessive Cursing or Swear words.
    We encourage you to use our community as a forum to debate topics, but please use proper adjectives to express yourself.
    We will not tolerate abuse upon another member.

    5. No Flamming.
    Don't flame members, it is unproductive and annoying for moderators to delete.


    5.b No Trolling

    Trolling against Members, Staffs or any kind of religon and home country will not be tolerated.

    Funny-Trolling, jokes and such things are still allowed and welcome. Please make sure about your trolling that its not missunderstandable.

    (Related to Rule 6.)


    6. No Attacks / Retaliation of any kind against a member, or group of members.
    If you are a long standing member, act like one. Lead by example and assist other newer members rather then attacking them.
    We look upon our veteran members to use this opportunity to teach the newer members the appropriate way to use these forums. If someone insults you, do not retaliate but report the offending post using the 'report this post' text link located in each post's bottom right corner.

    7. Posts in a particular forum need to stay on topic.
    If you want to talk about something that is drastically removed from the topic of a forum,
    please take it to the Off-Topic Forum. The Off-Topic Forum was set up and designed for members to discuss issues not related to a specific game.

    8. No Cross-Posting.
    Cross-Posting is when you post the same message multiple times in various threads or forums.
    Continuing to post a similar message will result in an immediate ban.

    9. No Signature Picture Abuse.
    If we find that an image you post in your signature is offending to anyone it will be immediatly removed and your account will be disabled.
    Be sure to keep your signature picture at a reasonable size.

    10. No spamming.
    Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic.
    Examples include: empty bodies, bodies with few words that have no relation to the current thread or discussion and those posts that state they are spam,
    either to annoy or increase a member's post count. This determination is made by the forum Moderator or Administrator and is not up for discussion.

    10.a Topic Bumping

    Don't bump topics that havn't been replied over 3 Months.

    Bumping a Topic will result in a Warning and a Close.

    -Only if you made an good input to the thread, and the thread itself is not already

    answerd or useless, we will consider to not warn you, or closing the thread.


    11. No Advertising.
    Do not post links to other websites that are irrelevant to the topic subject.
    Posting links to other sites in your signature is allowed as long as it is not abused.

    12. Respect the authority of Moderators and Admins.
    If you don't like something that an admin or moderator did, e-mail them or send them a private message.
    DO NOT complain about a deleted post or moved topic in the forums. We don't have time to inform everyone about why a post was moved or deleted.

    Any disrespectful behavior against ANY Staff will cause a Forum Ban for a limited time.

    13. Trojans, Viruses, Any Other Malware.
    any of either posted on these forums will get you an immediate ban, this includes backdoors, keystealers, any form of virus,
    sp0rkeh (which i will personally ban you for), etc. Also suggesting somebody to download/use one of the pieces of software above will also get you banned.
    This is not a virus/trojan forum. Even talking about those things is not allowed and will end in a ban!

    14.a. Attachments, Downloads, Release's.
    All File submissions are to be uploaded to the Forums Download Manager ( Click Here. ) at all times for moderation purposes.
    If for any reason you can not upload a file to the Forums Download Manager ( Click Here. ) then you must contact a member of staff for assistance,
    never link to a file that has not been threw this websites moderation process.
    The only exception to this rule will be to link images on a remote host folowing the terms of Rule 14.c.
    Every Attachment and Download has to be posted with a working http://virustotal.com Scan in their description and if possible a screen/preview of your Upload.


    The "review" option is not made for support - Keep this in the Threads or the Specific Forums.
    Only authorized Personal is allowed to post wihtout take care about this rule!!!

    14.b. Offsite Linking.
    Offsite linking is strictly forbidden unless you are linking to a website or webpage that explicitly relates to game cheating.
    All small articles or supportive content should be posted on this website with credits to the author or website.
    Leeway is given for large content where posting on this website would be a very time consuming process.
    Linking to websites or webpages that don't relate to this forums goal, that sell cheats, are pornographic, sexually oriented or violent is strictly disallowed.
    Anyone caught breaking this rule will receive a severe punishment.
    Only authorized Personal is allowed to post wihtout take care about this rule!!!

    14.c. linked or uploaded images.
    No pornography, sexually oriented, or violent content of any sort is allowed.
    This includes linked images, uploaded images, and images in signatures and avatars.
    In the event of an image being used that falls under this rule, the image will be removed.
    Repetitive offenders will be banned.

    15. Signature Size
    Always use the KISS methode!
    KISS = Keep It Short & Simple

    16. Posting WarrockAccounts!
    Its not allowed to post/donate your Warrock Account on GHB.Also its not allowed to post stolen Accounts.

    17. Multi-Accounts! (Ban evasion)
    Multi-Accounts are NOT allowed, If we find out that you're having Multi-Accounts we will ban All of your accounts ( Even Vip-, Special-, or Normal Member Accounts! )

    -> You can create more Acc. as long as you haven't been banned yet on GhB.

    18. Begging
    All sorts of begging are forbidden. That means also asking for public or private Hacks.
    You want a private Hack, then buy VIP-Membership. Public Hacks you can find in the related Game Sections.
    If there are not Hacks it is still forbidden to beg.

    19. Warnings
    Warnings will not be applyed without a reason.
    If you have a problem with a warning, talk with the Admin/Mod who warned you.
    Other administrative Personal cannot follow the reasons of your warnings.
    Warn List:




    • 1 Verbal Warning Only.
    • 2 Ability to create content removed for 1 days.
    • 3 Ability to create content removed for 3 days. Suspended for 1 days
    • 4 Ability to create content removed for 14 days. Suspended for 7 days
    • 5 Suspended for 14 days
    • 6 Suspended for 30 days
    • 7 Suspended for 60 days
    • 8 Suspended for 90 days
    • 9 Suspended for 180 days
    • 10 Suspended permanently

    Reason (Moderators can give out special warnings and bans for special treated members)


    • Spamming 1
    • Signature Violation 1
    • Abusive Behaviour 1
    • Topic Bumping 1
    • Inappropriate Language 2
    • Racism 3
    • Pornographic Material 5




    20. Shoutbox
    Here are the ShoutBox Rulez

    21. TermsOfService
    Every registered User of this Board agree to the TermsOfService ( Click Here ) and all Global Forum Rules!

    22. Trading, Selling
    Additional Rules to this topic: Click Here
    Trying to scamm or scamming will get you permanetly Banned.
    The correct way of contacting a Middleman is to clearify who is the middleman with your trading oponent and everyone is contacting the middleman hisself over the Board PrivateMessage system.
    Do not accept any InstantMessenger contactinformation if you are not able to verify that its not a fake. ( this is to your own security, follow this steps! )

    Edited by Max151515I
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