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    [C++] [Tutorial] DLL Hack


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    [C++] [Tutorial] DLL Hack

    [Credits] :

    Zeas -> Who I learnt how to Dll hack from!



    [VideoTutorial] :

    Youtube :

    (Put it on HD and FullScreen)

    -!Forbidden Upload Site, please give me 3 days Suspend!-: http://www.-!Forbidden Upload Site, please give me 3 days Suspend!-/download.php?tbnotmzjzzw (59,72 MB, no virus scan cus -!Forbidden Upload Site, please give me 3 days Suspend!- does it ^^) Recomended! [Dunno why but the volum is a little bit low...]




    First I'm gonna give you a little introduction on why we use c++ (or visual c++) and not others:

    Better performance

    Much more potential than the others

    Generally faster

    Harder to detect than others, like Visual Basic


    Some vocabulary I'll use during the post:

    VC => Visual C++

    VC++ => Visual C++

    Var => Variable

    ms => Milisecond

    [Perhaps I'll add more]



    Introduction to VC++

    Getting Ready

    Basic Hack

    Apendix (Others)

    Solved Problems


    Introduction to VC++

    Here we will use Visual C++ 2008 Express, which is free an can be downloaded here: http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/ (Microsoft)

    Of course you can use another programm or another version, such as Visual C++ 2005 Express (if u use this u should take a look at the solved problems).

    I'll be using, as I said the 2008 version.

    Visual C++ is, roughly, an adaptation of c++ to microsoft's windows. I mean, it's not really that like, but is a little view of what it is O.o (Note, we are going to programm with c++)

    C++ is "Case Sensitive", which mean that distinguish between Mayus. and Minus.

    After each C++ command you must end up with ;



    Getting Ready

    We start the VC++ and go to File->New->Project 1


    Here you will see another window [img2]. There we click on Visual C++ (left menu) -> Win32 Console Application -> We give it a name -> And click OK.


    There you will see the following 3, click Next >


    Then 4:

    Click on DLL

    Click on Empty Project (Proyecto Vacio)

    Click on Finish


    Here we have our first DLL, but don't try to compile, or it will give you errors.


    Now we need to create the files where the code will be written. Go to Project->Add New Item. There choose C++ File (.cpp) and write a name. I've written main, to be able to distinguish it better, but it doesn't matter.


    Basic Hack!

    This is the basic code of a DLL. (Note: Everything starting with // (and in the same line), means that it is a "Coment" and the compiler will ignore it, so, it's like it wasn't there. And it's the same as writting /* and then */.


    First we need to add a few references to some windows header files. This is ALWAYS done on the top of your file:



    #include <windows.h>

    #include <stdio.h>


    Then, we need to also put the main code of the DLL



    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE module, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) /*Basic Function. */


    if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) /*Here is "tested" if the dll has been attached.*/


    /*If we get here, everything has gone well./*


    return TRUE;



    Then we write:



    void TheHacks() /* This is the "Thread" of the hacks, I'll explain it now */




    Sleep(50); /* To avoid overloading the CPU */




    A thread is a function that is executed "apart" from the programm. Avoiding then using resources of the programm.

    The while(1) does that everything which is inside gets repeated every 1 milisecond.


    Now we must initilize/create the thread, and it will be done only if dll has been atached, so, we will add it on the "DllMain", just below the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH){

    If you get lost, the full code is at the bottom

    Add the following:



    There's nothing to explain, we are just creating a thread.


    Lets continue coding the hack. We will add a basic Stamina hack.

    Actually, there are many ways to do this, but I'll explain the faster and perhaps the easier to understand. (This method may not working on all games, depending if they protect or not memory)

    Inside or Thread (TheHacks):

    Note: This is not the code we will be using at all. The address areNO recent.


    Code: DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)0x002200;

    if(dwPlayerPointer != 0){

    *(float*)(dwPlayerPointer + 0x2A4) = 100;



    I Explain it:

    First line: This is the Player Pointer Address. We are reading it content and saving it on dwPlayerPointer.

    Second Line: We are checking that the value has been readed succefully and avoid a crash.

    Third Line: First we write the value type, in this case "float". Then we write the address we want to edit, the PlayerPointer (dwPlayerPointer) plus the Offset (0x2A4). Then, following the =, it's the new value.

    Well, perhaps ur asking yourself: <<?But, didn't we have to freeze the stamina?>>.

    Of course, but remember, our thread is being repeated every 1 milisecond!


    If I'm not wrong, u would like to be able to activated and deactivate the hack, so lets code it!:

    First, just below the #include(s) we add:



    bool stamina=false;

    We have just created a boolean variable. As it name says it can vary between two values, which are:



    As you see we've written =false;. That means that the hack is deactivated by default. Change the false to true to enable it by default.

    And what is this useful for?, lets add and If statement and you will see:

    We want our hack to run if the variable value is true, so:


    Code: /* Note: Delete the old code and put this. DON'T put both! */


    DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)0x000002;

    if(dwPlayerPointer != 0)

    *(float*)(dwPlayerPointer + 0x2A4) = 100;





    Insice of the IF we see <<stamina==true>>. There are two equals (==), and that's cus we are *Comparing, not *Equaling.


    Ok, nice, but now we need something to toggle it, so, we are going to add hotkeys!

    On the Thread TheHacks():



    if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6) &1){ /* VK_F6 mean F6 Key*/

    stamina = !stamina;



    Note: <<stamina = !stamina>> is the same as:

    if (stamina==true){ stamina=false;}

    else stamina=true;

    It's explained now



    All the keys in C++ are VK_ and the key in mayus.

    Lets analyse it:

    This <<stamina =>> should be clear. We are changing the stamina var value.

    The following: (!stamina): Take a look at the exclamation mark (!). This means the contrary of the var. I mean, If stamina was true, then we would be writing this: <<stamina = !true;>>, which is the same as <<stamina = false;>>.

    Ok, it works, BUT, this has a problem. We are checking up if a key is pressed every 1 MILISECOND, so, who is as fast as to press only during 1 ms a key? Noone. There are many ways to solve this, but I am not going to explain it now.



    Lets click Buil->Build Solution.

    We will find our DLL on the Debug folder of our project folder.


    Here you have the code:




    #include <windows.h>

    #include <stdio.h>


    bool stamina=false;


    void TheHacks()



    if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6) &1){ //F6

    stamina = !stamina;



    DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)0x002200;

    if(dwPlayerPointer != 0)

    *(float*)(dwPlayerPointer + 0x2A4) = 100;






    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE module, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)


    if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)


    CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)TheHacks, NULL, NULL, NULL); //create the new Thread


    return TRUE;




    It's ALL finished, but I'll explain something more.



    Creating hacks as Zoom (no DMA (offset) and no Freeze)

    It is really easy to do this:

    What we did later was edit the Address value whenever the var (stamina) was true, so, if we change it value to false, it won't be edited any more. Lets do it:



    //Below the other bool var.

    bool zoom=false;


    //On TheHacks() Thread


    *(float*)(0x002200) = 0;

    zoom = false; /* We change zoom to false, so it won't be edited any more. */


    There's a new concept:

    As you can see we've only written <<if(zoom){>>, and we have ommitted the <<==true>>, which would be <<if(zoom==true){>>. Ok, that's because when using a IF statement with a bool var, it's assummed that you are comparing it to true.


    optimizint the hack

    Have you ever though what would happen if you had like 20 address and warrock updated? Would you be searching for all of them in your code and changing them? NO, the answer it's NO!

    To not to do so, we will add a new file, (Project->Add new element). BUT this time it will be a Header File (.h). Give it a name (I use to write <<define>> as name, but as always, it's your choice).


    First we have to link the main.cpp file to this one, so, go to the first file (main.cpp) and below the others#include(s) write:




    #include "define.h"



    I wrote <<define>>, but write the name of your new file.


    Now we are going to edit the new file (define.cpp).

    We will be following this pattern:

    #define "Hack_Name" 0x"ADDRESS"

    For example:



    #define zoom_address 0x000022

    #define spawn1_address 0x000032



    You must leave a BLANK line at the bottom of this files, or some compilers may give weird errors.


    And that's all? No,no...

    If you remember, we first used this code:



    DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)0x000222;



    Ok, we have to change this 0x000222, which is the address, for the #define which contains the address. Lets do it:



    //On define.h

    #define Player_Pointer 0x000222


    //On main.cpp, instead of the old code

    DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)Player_Pointer;


    Now, each time warrock updates, you just have to go to define.h and edit it ^^


    Solved Problems

    Windows.h (No such file or directory)

    This problem is because VC++ 2005 doesn't include some files.

    Do the following:

    Go to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...d-080d4d4a8c4e

    You'll see a bluw box, there u must choice the VC++ which is on the SAME language as your VC++

    Scroll down to Files in This Download the one which is of VC++.

    Download and install

    Go here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en Download the one that fits with ur pcnormally the PSDK-x86.exe (1.3 MB). Install, and then: (credits to: tamudo84.blogspot):

    Step 3: Update VC++ files


    Go to: Tools -> Options-> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories. And then add:


    Executable files: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin

    Inclusive files: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include

    Inclusive files: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include\mfc

    Library files: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib


    Step 4: Update ‘corewin_express.vsprops’


    You have to edit corewin_express.vsprops. It should be found at C:\Programm Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCProjectDefaults. Replace this






    AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib"


    Paso 5: Enable Asistant


    You have to edit ‘AppSettings.htm’:


    C:\Programm Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\Generic\Application\html\308 2\



    Coment out lines 441 to 444, writing//:


    // WIN_APP.disabled = true;

    // WIN_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;

    // DLL_APP.disabled = true;

    // DLL_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;


    Hack doesn't activate/deactivate (Hotkeys)

    It can be:

    Incorect Address. Can be tested by removing this

    if(dwPlayerPointer != 0) and { and }.

    If warrock crashes the address is incorect (most of the times).

    Perhaps the hotkeys is pressed more than during 1 ms xD


    I can't see the DLL option

    This is for People with VC++ 2005 and without the Service Pack 1:

    Follow the Windows.h (No such file or directory) soltion

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