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    [TMNF]Need Help : What's wrong ?


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    First, i want to know if the addy's of TrackMania are up to date ? ( here : http://forum.ghbsys.net/index.php?showtopic=14714 )


    I made a small programme in c++ which is supposed to change the addy's value to -100 ( for CP hack ) but it do nothing.

    I tried to follow the module given by Kvn'X, in my own way.

    The program compile, but nothing ingame.


    Here is my code :

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <tlhelp32.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    //Start declaration of adress
    #define adressone 0x00ABE2D0 + 0x00400000
    #define adresstwo 0x00ABE2D0 + 0x00400000
    #define adressthree 0x00AC1908 + 0x00400000
    #define adressfour 0x00AC1908 + 0x00400000
    #define offone 0x0000032C
    #define offtwo 0x00000328
    #define offthree 0x0000031C
    #define offfour 0x00000318
    //end declaration of adress
    using namespace std;
    void GetProcId( char *ProcId); // Get the process ID
    DWORD ProcId = 0;
    int main()
       char* ProcName = "TmForever.exe"; // The process name
      SetConsoleTitle ("C++ Hack Test"); // Console Title
      int Value1 = -100; // The Value = -100
      int i=0; // Used after
      long RBuff[4]; // Four RBuff because 4 adress
      long fullAdress[4]; // Same Here
      long adress[4] = {adressone, adresstwo, adressthree, adressfour}; // here are the adress. I can only make the addition here
      long off[4] = {offone, offtwo, offthree, offfour}; // here are the Offsets
      GetProcId(ProcName); // Function GetProcId()
      cout << "ProcessID of " << ProcName <<" is " << ProcId <<endl; // Nearly useless
      HANDLE phandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_VM_READ, 0, ProcId); // Creating HANDLE
      if (phandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // if ERROR creating HANDLE
           cout <<"Erreur, Acces refuse" <<endl;
           cout <<"Acces au processus accepte" <<endl;
      do {   //Fill the fullAdress[]
          ReadProcessMemory(phandle, (LPVOID)adress[i], (LPVOID)RBuff[i], 4, 0); // Seen on your module
          fullAdress[i] = RBuff[i] + off[i];  // Same
      } while (i != 3 ) ;
       cout << (LPVOID)fullAdress[0] << endl; // Just to show what the fullAdress contains
       cout << (LPVOID)fullAdress[1] << endl; // Same
       cout << (LPVOID)fullAdress[2] << endl; // Same
       cout << (LPVOID)fullAdress[3] << endl; // Same
       WriteProcessMemory(phandle, (LPVOID)fullAdress[0], &Value1, sizeof(Value1), 0); // here we write in the processMemory to change the adress value to -100
       WriteProcessMemory(phandle, (LPVOID)fullAdress[1], &Value1, sizeof(Value1), 0); // It looks better with a loop
       WriteProcessMemory(phandle, (LPVOID)fullAdress[2], &Value1, sizeof(Value1), 0);
       WriteProcessMemory(phandle, (LPVOID)fullAdress[3], &Value1, sizeof(Value1), 0);
        return 0;
    void GetProcId(char* ProcName) // Here the function to get the Process Id
       PROCESSENTRY32   pe32;
       HANDLE         hSnapshot = NULL;
       pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
       hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
       if( Process32First( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) )
               if( strcmp( pe32.szExeFile, ProcName ) == 0 )
           }while( Process32Next( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) );
       if( hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
           CloseHandle( hSnapshot );
       ProcId = pe32.th32ProcessID;


    So, what's wrong in this code ?

    And why i always get "Acces au processus accepte" ? Even if TM isn't open, it says that it found the processId o_O


    I can also add that i tried to find checkPoint adress with CE. Then, i changed their value to -100 ( with my small program ) and it worked. But it was only adress, not Pointers.


    ( ps : Here it's a console prog.

    The way it works :

    - Go in a TM track


    - Lauch My program ( AGAIN, DON'T RESTART THE TRACK )

    - Done ( It doesn't work now, as said before, but it worked with only adress )


    ( I am on Vista 32bits )

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